Sunday, November 8, 2015

3 Easy Recipe Fried Rice Cooked

3 Easy Recipe Fried Rice Cooked

The fried rice is the mainstay of culinary cuisine that can be in the moment whenever you want. It feels good and makes it even easier. You also can create their own personalized creations. This makes fried rice is the favorite of all people from Sabang to Merauke.
Sometimes, from you desire to cook a serving of homemade fried rice, but you fear that you can not make it due to hard. But it was not like that you know. There are also fried rice recipes are easy and delicious taste remain.

1. Fried Rice and It's That Simple: Fried Rice Tek Tek

Fried rice cooked by vendors with an iron skillet is actually the recipe is not difficult. The material is simple and it feels solid, crowned fried rice is to be champions. Like what, the recipe?
- 2 plates white rice
- 2 pieces of cabbage, finely sliced
- 1 leek, sliced
- 3 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 tbsp oil for frying
- 2 eggs
- Shredded fried chicken meat, according to taste
Ground spices:
- 5 curly red chilies
- 5 red onions
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 tsp salt
How to cook:
1. Minced seasoning ingredients until smooth.
2. Heat oil, put the eggs and shredded chicken, fry briefly. After that mix the spices and tumislah until fragrant. For more results okay, use iron skillet with a big fire.
3. Enter the cabbage, onions, and white rice. Combine soy sauce, can be added if desired proportion sweet. Mix well. Lift after being cooked.
4. Serve with crackers colorful and pickled cucumbers. Easy, right?

2. Jancuk Fried Rice, Spicy It Steady

Fried rice which derives its name from swear words or nickname is famous for its portion unusually large, steady spiciness, and of course taste that makes a five star restaurant in Surabaya vying to serve it. Originally, this jancuk portion of fried rice can be enjoyed up to 3 people (and even then not necessarily run out), but in this recipe we will make up for its small size, yes.
- 600 grams of white rice
- 2 eggs
- 55 grams of shrimp that have been peeled
- 30 grams of minced crab meat
Ground spices:
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 7 pieces of shrimp paste, roasted until fragrant
- 5 spring onions
- Flavoring
- Butter
- 4 red chilies, finely chopped
- 15 pieces of cayenne pepper, finely chopped (can be reduced according to taste)
- Cooking oil
- Salt to taste
How to cook:
1. Puree onions and peppers with a pestle and mortar.
2. Then heat the butter, to make scrambled eggs. Enter subtle flavor was afterwards, and of course, add the shrimp paste that has been refined. Stir-fry until fragrant.
3. Enter the shrimp and crab, and stir until the redness. Thereafter, mix the rice, and stir again until all ingredients evenly mixed and cooked.
4. Serve on a plate complete with fried onions and shrimp crackers. Provide sweet iced tea as first aid at the spiciness!

3. Fried Rice Oriental

With a dominant taste salty, savory-style fish and butter, crossbreed cuisine has always been "lodged" in the tongue of Indonesia. Well, delicious oriental fried rice and wagged his tongue, the other like Chinese food, you can also make at home without the need to stall and wait in line.
- 600 grams of white rice
- 2 eggs, beaten off
- 50 grams of shrimp, peel and discard the skin
- 1 carrot, diced small
- 1 leek
- 2 tbsp oil for frying
- 2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
- 4 tsp fish sauce
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 tsp chicken bouillon powder
How to cook:
1. Heat the oil and saute garlic and scallions until fragrant.
2. Enter the shrimp, fried briefly and then drain, and add the beaten egg off earlier. Cook and scrambled until half cooked.
3. Next, enter the carrots and stir until half withered. For a more lively sense, it can be added also pieces of sweet corn and peas.
4. Add rice, salt, pepper, chicken bouillon powder, and fish sauce and stir until cooked. Serve with a wide plate-style Chinese food!

So, that's all I can give information about the fried rice recipe is fast and delicious.

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