Thursday, December 10, 2015

Health: Foodstuffs In the Kitchen Good For Health

Foodstuffs In the Kitchen Good For Health

                At this time, I wish to inform about health. We know that health is very important for every human being. Everyone wants to maintain their health. But sometimes to maintain the health to cost a fortune. But did you know that actually most natural ingredients to maintain health in your kitchen. See the home any materials that can be used as medicine, health and beauty

1. Soda makes perfect hair
                Soda has folic acid and sugar. Folic acid serves to lower the pH of the scalp which makes hair strong and reinforce your curly hair. While sugar makes the hair thicker.
                How to use it to buy a medium-sized soda, then pour the soda in the hair without using shampoo or conditioner, then rinse. Your hair will be more visible thick, smooth, and easy to comb.
2. Tomatoes and aspirin eliminate acne
                The active ingredients in acne is salicylic acid, aspirin turned out to have the same substance. To get rid of acne using aspirin, asprin crush and mix enough water to make a thick. Then paste on the pimples and let it dry, then rinse. In addition, the tomato was a potent drug expel acne because it contains vitamins A and C, anti-oxidants, and acids.
                If you have oily skin, tomatoes also be a solution. The trick, in order to crush the tomatoes into pulp and then paste tomatoes that have been destroyed in the face. Let stand for an hour, then rinse. Do this for one week.
3. Duct tape wart cure
                Need not be expensive to get rid of warts on your body, simply by masking tape. By way of covering the wart with duct tape for a week. Remove the tape by using a pumice stone, and then close again with duct tape. Do this process until the wart apart naturally. Closure done so not a lot of oxygen and to prevent further growth of warts.
4. Soda makes fresh breath
                Soda is a natural and inexpensive solution to a fresh breath. Simply by adding a little soda to brush your teeth with a brush, then rinse. Or by mixing two teaspoons of baking soda into a glass of water, then rinse using water. Soda is known to menyimbangkan level of acid in your mouth and can prevent the growth of bacteria that cause bad breath.
5. Chocolate cure cough
                Chocolate contains theobromine which can suppress the nerve to stop coughing. To fight a stubborn cough, you simply eat as much as two ounces of dark chocolate.

                Perhaps until now only the author informs about health. Hopefully can provide knowledge to the reader. thanks.

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