Sunday, December 13, 2015

The usefulness of cold water is not for drinking only

The usefulness of cold water is not for drinking only

                At this time the writer wants to divide the article about the usefulness of water ice. In the current hot weather is the most delicious drink cold food besides refreshing taste can eliminate your thirst.
                It turns ice cold water not only to drink, but you can use cold water by other means and provide great benefits to your appearance.
Come on what are the benefits. Please observe the following review:  

1. Helps maintain healthy skin
If you ask what is the appropriate water to wash the face then it depends on your skin type.
If you have oily skin then you can wash your face with hot water, hot water will help open the pores of the skin, so that helps clear blackheads from your face and get rid of excess oil on the face.
But if your face tends to dry it more appropriate to use cold water, cold water will help moisturize, tighten the skin and make it more flexible and supple.
2. Making the hair becomes more bright and shiny
If you want to keep your hair sparkle then use cold water to wash your hair. Wash your hair with cold water will lock the cuticle, make the hair smooth and shiny.
3. Eliminate Stress
When you experience stress that this is not good for your health and your skin, especially your facial skin will easily wrinkled.
When you're facing a substantial problem in the office or anywhere. To help relieve stress, immediately go to the bathroom. You can wash your face with cold water. This can help reduce stress, make you feel more relaxed and able to deal with problems you face. Cold water helps regulate body temperature, slow the heart rate.
4. Dry nail polish quickly
After using the nail polish, if not dry quickly can make it easy to peel so it looks less good. To help dry the nail polish you can soak hands in a bowl of very cold water within 3 minutes. This will help dry nail polish and make your nails look shiny.
5. Avoiding drowsiness
When you're facing an important time dealing with clients and suddenly attacked by drowsiness outstanding. Then wash your face with cold water. As you can see ice bucket challenge challenge will make you truly realized.
This is because under your skin contains thousands of tiny sensors associated with the brain. When exposed to cold water will keep you awake, avoid sleepiness and has a face that is refreshed.

                Such information could be shared with the reader writer, hopefully can be useful for us together. Thank you...

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