Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The Masterplan Health : What We Are Healthy food ??? This is 8 Foods That Can Reduce Intelligence

What We Are Healthy food ??? This is 8 Foods That Can Reduce Intelligence

On this occasion, the authors want to provide information about the food we eat. Healthy or not ??? Because the food we eat greatly affect the body, either directly or indirectly. Not only the body is affected food, the brain as memory center, craves nutrients from food. So do not eat food that is indiscriminate and does not know what its function in our body.
When our brain get enough nutrients, then what will we do can be solved. Because the brain is the coordination center, which ordered the movement of the body. Therefore, it is very important that we maintain the intake of food and nutrients they contain.
To keep the memory still excellent, we must know what foods are able to degrade the performance of the brain, which eventually will degrade our intelligence indirectly. So what foods can lower the intelligence of our brains?
Here's a list of foods that can lower our intelligence, we have reports of Boldsky:
1. Sugar
Brazilians sugar products that we use, be it for food, especially beverages. Excess sugar consumption will lead to complications in the body. So better start to reduce the consumption of sugar from now.
2. Fried foods
Lots around our food prepared with fried, there is no harm in consuming these foods. But if excessive, we must be vigilant. Fat in fried foods could be bad for health.
3. Fast food
In between we would never eat sausage, cornet, or other prepared foods. Although practical, the food has been given a variety of food additive, such as a preservative, which can cause degenerative diseases, such as Alzheimers.
4. Junk Food
Usually office workers often eat these foods, especially coupled with lingering sitting in a chair. And type of food is not recommended for those who want the maximum brain health.
5. Rich salt
Without salt the food will taste bland, but if the excess salt, food will become unhealthy. Salt can lead to reduced intelligence, and help us become forgotten memories.
6. Food preserved
Just like the above mentioned, sausages and corned beef is derived preserved. This high-protein foods can actually damage brain cells.
7. Alcohol
Not a few alcoholic beverages that makes the audience lost their minds, even unconscious and drunk, if consumed in the long term, alcohol can damage the brain systems work.
8. Artificial sweeteners
Many who use artificial sweeteners instead of sugar, but if taken continuously, this artificial sugar can make the brain work is not normal.

Thus, I inform the reader of this article. Hopefully useful for all of us. Thank you. 

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